Milburn Art Prize Submissions 2020

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Ice Formation
234 x 129 cms

This ice formation lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteteur adipiscing elit hac. Malesuada ut fames fusce vulputate placerat nulla convallis pulvinar ad risus. Senectus risus curae elementum dictumst purus consectetuer risus ac fames ve fames.

Storm over Beach
234 x 129 cms

This gathering storm lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteteur adipiscing elit hac. Malesuada ut fames fusce vulputate placerat nulla convallis pulvinar ad risus. Senectus risus curae elementum dictumst purus consectetuer risus ac fames ve fames.

234 x 129 cms

The arch in this iceberg lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteteur adipiscing elit hac. Malesuada ut fames fusce vulputate placerat nulla convallis pulvinar ad risus. Senectus risus curae elementum dictumst purus consectetuer risus ac fames ve fames.

Beach with Ice
234 x 129 cms

This black beach strewn with white ice lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteteur adipiscing elit hac. Malesuada ut fames fusce vulputate placerat nulla convallis pulvinar ad risus. Senectus risus curae elementum dictumst purus consectetuer risus ac fames ve fames.

necklace, enamelled copper on leather cord
30 x 10 cms

This necklace was constructed from copper, born from the earth.
The metal was easily manipulated by my fingers.
Then sifted with drifts of powdered frit and minerals heated to temperatures that my body cannot withstand.
When I wear this necklace, it responds to my movement with gentle tinkling, reminding me that I am here when others are not.

Lost Homes
50 x 70 cms

'Lost Homes' expresses the cost of progress. The yellows of excavators encroach on the gum green. Steel and concrete overshadow fallen leaves. Soft paws meet scorching tar. Orange flags and red signs flash warning: the end of old, the start of new. A house built; a habitat lost.

Saltwater Country
synthetic polymer, raffia, textiles, silk eco-printed with Eucalyptus leaves
91 x 45 cms

Flying foxes are important to the delicate ecosystem that has existed for thousands of years on Dharawal Country. Their journeys drop seeds and pollinate important trees. They remain because the mountains keep this Country green, yet this Country remains green also because they stay.

Th River
acrylic on board
52 x 40 cms

''I speak of nothing else but the river, I try not to be the river, but the waters remind me I too am the river; I swim, I bathe, I soak on the stones that tenderly hold the river.
I hear the silent murmurs of stories being told by the river.
I see you too have come down to join me by the river."

Morning After
Oil on canvas
150 x 100 cms

‘Morning After’ was the view at the end of my street in the early morning after the floods peaked in late February 2022. Sad and so beautiful and charged with such emotion in the stillness before the bustle returned. I wanted to record that moment.

Duck Hides and Fairytales
122 x 122 cms

Grass seeds collected by the creek were were crucial ingredients for potions, smooth rocks by the river contained secret crystals that helped me speak to spirits, the ghostly shadows in the attic were waiting to be told they were safe and I was their protector. The reality of life was another adventure to be had.